For the Bold For the Brave

Activities to Reduce Stress as a Business Owner

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

―Winston Churchill

Many dare to suggest that you do not own a business, you marry one.
First-time entrepreneurs, before they jump into the train, believe their company will be a gold egg provider. They envision themselves escaping the rat-race, making tons of money, and relaxing at a Caribean beach somewhere. Meanwhile, the company they founded is back at home, generating more money for the next vacation. Until the day, they act on that great idea and start their dream business.
Perhaps before you embarked on this journey, you were not aware there would be many dark days. Neither of the sleepless nights and the anxiety. But the truth is, stressful days are likely to overshadow the good days. Daunting thoughts are ever present.
If you are considering entering the life, you have to prepare yourself for many difficult days. Finances, personnel, receivables, cancelation, those are just some of the many issues faced by a business owner.
It is not uncommon for an entrepreneur to have desires to fire their entire staff and operate as a one-man show. In fact, that happens more often than not. Finding the right person and maintaining an employee is a difficult task.
When you think that only 30% of small businesses make past the 10-year mark, there is no way not to be stressed. While there is not a fix all solution, you can take steps to help you absorb the impact of the stress brought by your business.

Identify what causes stress

Assess what goes on in one day or a week. Identify the things that cause you to stress the most are. Understand that not always is possible to change certain situations altogether, but you can take steps to lessen the stress it is causing.
One of the first stress situations that I experience was with personnel. They were either not showing up to work or not being productive enough. We began to meet every morning to talk about what needed to be accomplished that day. I allowed them to set their own goals and hold them accountable for it. If for some reason they were not able to achieve the task, then a phone call had to be made to explain why.

Take time to reflect

Every day, regardless of how busy you might be, take time from your jam-packed schedule to reflect. Walk yourself through the entire day, and the decisions you made. Then, do the same thinking of the day before. Imagine if you could go back in time, would you change anything you did?
Create a journal, be as honest as you can in each day. Write about the decisions you made that you wish you could change. Think of the things within your control, and what you can turn to make them better.

Prioritize your tasks

As a business owner, you will quickly realize that tasks will come at you at a blistering rate. To be successful as an entrepreneur, learning how to identify and execute each job by the proper order is a crucial skill.
For starters, write down everything that you have to accomplish. Assess each task by its impact and consequences, identify it by numbers – with the highest being the most urgent. Estimate time to achieve each one and take note of how long really takes. This is a fundamental exercise to help you accurately calculate future tasks.

Review your list daily, ensure you add new ones as they emerge. I highly suggest keeping a notebook for notes near you, it comes handy as things pop up into your mind.

Make your schedule

You quit your 8-5 for many different reasons, and one of them I bet is so you can make your own schedule. Not being on anyone’s time. Show up to work at your own accord, and leave whenever you feel like it.
Remember that you are your own boss now, and if there is anything on your schedule that stress you out, then change it. Structure your day to fulfill your desire. If you believe you are more productive certain times of the day, then block those times off to do your work.
In essence, build your day around your times when you are ready and willing to work.

Reshape your perspective

When something goes wrong, you fall into a negative thinking trap almost naturally. Your brain will immediately rehash everything that has not gone how you expected it, and you will begin to blame yourself for all the wrong.
Encourage yourself to do exactly the opposite. When something does not go as planned or gone wrong, focus on the good things. Avoid dwelling on only the bad. Learn from your mistakes and move on with life.

Listen to music

Listening to music can have a powerful relaxing effect on our minds and bodies. This is especially true for classical and instrumental, but it also applies to all kinds of music.
It can act as a distraction, and it helps to explore emotions. It is also an excellent aid for meditation.
Pick your favorite playlist and jam it up!

Take breaks

Believe it or not, taking short breaks throughout the day can help your brain focus on the task at hand. While these breaks are excellent during the eight hour work day, you should think about taking a more extended leave in the form of vacation. Train someone capable of doing your job and delegate tasks.

Structurize your business

Creating a structure for your business is very crucial for it to run smoothly. One big mistake is employees not understanding their daily workload and their requirement – this is especially true for new business owners.
All of the positions within your business should have a clear job structure with what they are expected to do, and the process to achieve such tasks. If each worker understands what is expected, it will immediately take a load off your shoulders.

Unplugging during time off

Unplugging from your own business is one of the most difficult challenges that you have to overcome. When you are not at work, you should completely disconnect. Enjoy your family, friends, and children. Do not let problems from your business dictate your life outside of it. Take control of your emotions and enjoy your life as much as you can.

Take care of yourself

Running a business is a demanding responsibility, notably during growth periods. But you cannot disregard your health. Self-care is an essential factor to maintain your company running. Be sure to get the sleep your body needs to recharge. If you can, exercise regularly. While exercise is great for your body, it is also a mean of stress management where you can release anxieties and frustrations.

Undoubtedly, owning a business is very challenging. You can expect that it will take a lot of you; long nights, early mornings, no sick days, no weekends. Stress comes with the territory. These tips are a good start.

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